Thursday, January 24, 2013

Standing in My Power

This morning, I attended a women's networking event, and the presenter was talking about Achieve Mastery, a self-improvement program similar to all the other ones with which you're likely familiar. While listening to her teary-eyed speech about the effect this program had on her life—followed by three or four other people with similar stories—I realized...I'm there. I may not have yet increased my income five-fold, as one other person did, but I'm there. I've successfully changed the lens through which I view the world and am "standing in my power," as they say.

Was it Landmark? The Secret? Wayne Dyer? Private coaching? Whatever it was that finally got me off my ass and into the right gear is a welcome change. I'm not afraid anymore; I'm not taking things personally; I know that I am powerful and am making things happen.

I used to be doing okay, and then my schedule shifted when my son started kindergarten in 2011. I didn't have the time to network as I had, so my pipeline dried up. I harbored anger at my ex-husband about anything and everything, and I saw the effects in my business. I took a part-time job. Then I switched that with another one. I was lacking momentum and my work suffered. I was seeing nothing in the world of dating or men, and I was angry about that too.

Maybe it was the turn into 2013 that did it, but I recently declared, "No more." I continue to work on the goals I have for myself, and I now have a plan of attack to achieve them. I am not overwhelmed by creating possibilities for my life. I currently have three contract employees on my team, fulfilling my desire to add at least one by the end of 2012 (two of the three started in November). And today I did something I have never done: I got on the phone and called people who've not responded to my emails to keep moving on our projects.

Honestly, most of this happened within the last month or so, and I am pulling out all the stops. I am running promotions for my business and put an ad on Craig's List. I upped my social media presence for my brand and asked for help from friends (who have rallied because they're awesome). I got back on an online dating site and increased my social outings, choosing to look at a room for "yes" and "maybe" men as opposed to only seeing the "no" guys. I changed my inner voices to be powerful. I re-prioritized and found that I can go to one more networking event each week without cutting back the time I spend with my son.

Sure, it may sound a little crazy, but I truly am standing in my power. I am confident in what I'm doing, and I don't care if people laugh or disagree with me. It feels good to be successful, and I know that 2013 is bringing only the best things into my life. There's a reason I have a Wonder Woman tattoo, dammit. :-)

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