Saturday, June 1, 2013

At a Loss for Words

It seems I have a few readers of this blog — some of whom I didn't expect to be reading. Yesterday, I received a random email from DW (yes, my ex) regarding this blog and, specifically, the last one I wrote about him unfollowing me on social media. If I'd had water in my mouth when I saw it in my inbox, I'm positive I would have done a spittake.

I recently read an e-book about getting in, staying in, and possibly revitalizing a love relationship, yet nothing in there gave me any clue as to how to respond to this unexpected message. Really, there wasn't anything to which I need to respond ... so I didn't. I even posted on Facebook to ask for feedback, but no one had anything helpful to share there either. Funny that most of my friends expressed anger at DW for breaking up with what they see to be a wonderful woman for, well, pretty poor reasons, and they didn't feel he deserves any response.

It's rare, though, that I don't say anything back to someone who speaks to me. My ex-husband (whom I pretty much despise at this point) can incite a cursing war via text because of his idiocy. Exes from the far past have reached out to apologize (as part of their 12 steps, usually; I attract the winners!), and I have always responded. But this time, I'm left speechless. What do I say when this person's words confuse me at every turn? Here's a great example: He said he cut connections on social media because "it was too hard to see your face and hear your words. I needed to get you off my feeds so I could move on." Yet he's reading my blog?! How does that make any sense? Yet further proof that I have no clue how people act or what they are thinking.

So on to other things that inspire much more happiness and make way more sense. In just two days, my son and I are headed to Walt Disney World for a week. One of my friends will also be there with his daughter, so we hope to get together at some point for the kids to play and us to catch up. This is Patrick's first visit to WDW after many to Disneyland, and he's super excited as well. It will be wonderful to let go of work and worries for six days and just enjoy the happiest place on earth. 

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