Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shiny New Objects

What is the lure of having something new? I just bought new Wonder Woman Converse over the weekend, and wearing them for the first time today was a bit of a high. When I got my new iPhone, I was so proud and casually showed it off to anyone who was looking. But why is this? Why is it that we never seem to be happy enough with what we have and are always looking for something new?

The same could be said for relationships. I have friends who've been married nearly 20 years, and while I—as a single person—was lamenting the dating game, they were pointing out that that knowing someone that well has its disadvantages as well. If you're staying committed, you certainly won't experience a new person again. Is that why people cheat?

There's definitely something to be said about having something new. We get to have different experiences, check out all the bells and whistles, and see how things work. In a new relationship, we aren't yet at the point of taking each other for granted, and we spend a lot of time just being together. In this disposable society, when we own something that's not working, we usually don't get it fixed; we buy something new. And technology just feeds that need for shiny new objects by coming out with upgrades regularly. The question is: What is this obsession with the latest and greatest doing for our relationships?

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