Friday, April 6, 2012

What's the Statute of Limitations on Longing?

In the past week, I have had two extremely vivid dreams about the first love of my life, the "one who got away" shortly after I turned 30. Mind you, I am now 41, so why would I possibly still be thinking about a man who walked out of my life 11 years ago? Shouldn't my brain and heart have purged him by now?

The man in question was the first man I truly loved, and I was sure he was "the one." Unfortunately, his parents had a lot of money and, therefore, a lot of pull. Eventually, they pulled him away from me. Since he was never horrible to me, it was always hard to see him in a bad light (unlike the second love of my life), and maybe that contributes to his recent appearances in my dreams. Of course, it could also be that I'm quickly approaching my one-year anniversary of celibacy. Seriously, after this long, pretty much everything looks good to me.

So what do you think? How long have you continued to think about a lost love? What did you do to purge?

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